How It Works

Why Is This Important?

Our service makes it easy for those you’ve assigned to access your life’s accomplishments now or in the future. LegacyShare is a comprehensive tool to help you store, organize, and assign your legal/financial documents to the key people that matter most to you. You can also share your life’s most important memories by uploading letters, photos and other files. If you didn’t have LegacyShare would your family know where to look for your Legacy?

Step One:

Establish Your LegacyShare Account.

Establish your account. Once you’ve selected a yearly or lifetime subscription and signed up, the fun begins! We will walk you through options of important documentation you should consider including in your Legacy Profile. This will ensure the proper items of your legacy are all in one place for a smooth transition to your legal representatives and/or loved ones. You’ll be able to upload documentation and any other files safely and securely.

Step Two:

Organize Your Personal Profile.

It starts with your Legacy Profile. Fully customizable, this form will gather the necessary information for a smooth estate transition for your loved ones.  You will never forget where anything is from here on out. You may even notice you’re missing some important information or documents; we will let you know.

Additionally, you can upload estate and financial documents including wills, trusts, and health care proxies that you have established. We allocate enough storage in each account to allow the upload of the sentimental documents you may want to share with your loved ones including photos and letters. Should you exceed the storage limit, don’t worry because you will be able to purchase more storage without missing a beat!

Step Three:

Share Your Legacy.

This is the most important aspect of your Legacy Profile for you, your loved ones and trusteed representatives. You can choose now or in the future to give permission for them to view your legacy information.  Either way, we will notify your “keyholders” that the information is being held at LegacyShare with annual reminders. Now there’s no excuse, they have everything they need to transition your legacy successfully!

Account Details



Easy and affordable pricing that renews yearly with the option to cancel at any time.

Only $99 / Year

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